Our Beginning

The idea to create a space for women’s health began when Dr. Brooke was pregnant with her first daughter. As a busy, working professional, she found running between all of her prenatal appointments to be overwhelming and exhausting. Between checkups with the Midwives, ultrasounds, acupuncture and chiropractic sessions, breastfeeding and paediatric courses, she was spending more time commuting than in her actual appointments.

How did a rapidly growing, family oriented community like Stouffville, not have a warm & inviting space providing services geared towards women’s health?

And just like that, Empower Health Boutique was born. We created a space you can truly unwind, relax and indulge in health care that feels like self care.

To provide exceptional healthcare to women, while shouldering responsibility for their care & empowering them to make themselves a priority.

Our Mission

Our Vision

To set the standard of excellence for women’s healthcare delivery in the community of Stouffville.

Women tend to carry the invisible load. Their needs are usually at the bottom of the (never ending) to do list. Let us help rearrange your list, and you put you first. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Our Purpose

We pursue growth and ongoing learning to help better serve the women in our community. We value evidence based, female centred care, and support our practitioners find a healthy work-life balance.

Our Values